First day of school, a hundred percent "distance learning" into the foreseeable future, and I have a pass as the kids are with their alternate custodian. But I did receive a FaceTime call that displayed the following 4th-grade puzzler:
I'll admit that I dicked around with this for awhile, to no avail, until it occurred to me that since the "average" value of the numbers is 5, and 4 x 5 = 20 > 17, it's probably the case that the boxes at the vertices, which are overused compared to the others, should be filled with low numbers. It then took but a minute to come up with:
After a decent interval, I took a picture of my solution and texted it to said 4th-grader. Here's what that ended up looking like:
At least she acknowledged the difficulty. Maybe someone helped her. Didn't dare ask.