I rely on the Power Line blog for my window on the right-wing mindset. Today, one of their bloggers, Scott Johnson, somewhat mildly condemned the insurrectionists at the Capitol. The first sentence of his post reads
President Trump seems determined to leave office in a manner that vindicates the vile accusations hurled at him by his opponents over the past four years
which raises the question: Vile? Or proven true? Anyway, I scrolled down to the Comments section. A sampling:
Mr. Johnson, you should be ashamed of yourself. Did you forget, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"? Apparently you did. I was hoping they'd blow up the capital building, and some of the Congress-critters that populate it, so that maybe, finally, those who would dictate to us might learn that we won't accept being dictated to.
We tried the soapbox, then the ballot box. It was stolen from us. There's one remedy left and if you're squeamish about it then shut your coward mouth. . . .
Gentlemen, what do you think is going on exactly? A little spat among patriots? This is an existential threat to the Republic. Behaving like nice little drones and "accepting" the rape of Lady Liberty, is unconscionable. And if you don't see it in those terms, you are more addicted to the status quo, than you are to freedom.
Antifa has been destroying cities for months. Why this reaction to a few Patriots?
What is stunning is that so-called conservatives are caterwauling about ONE FREAKING EVENT on a SINGLE DAY where some of our own finally made a stand.
After 6 months off Biden's Brownshirts doing worse—furthermore toward the neighbors and private property of poor people and immigrants—I'm a little light on tears to shed for Congresscritters scurrying a la cockroach. It's just a building. It's insured.
Fuck you, Scott . . . .
I have some friends there who texted that they believe it's antifa agitating.
This is just the beginning. Stolen elections have consequences.
And on and on and on and on it goes. It's much more than a basketful, Hillary.
On MSNBC, Nicole Wallace just said that what happened at the Capitol today "borders on sedition." Biden had deployed the same phrase in his remarks. Here is the applicable federal law (18 USC § 2384):
"Responsible" Republicans are telling the seditionists to go home peacefully. Go home? How about arresting them and prosecuting the shit out of them? (Apologies for the legal jargon.)
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