My favorite current campaign kerfuffle is the one concerning the Nebraska Walzes who are voting for Trump. They posed for a viral pic wearing their personalized MAGA gear and got a favorable notice from the unintentionally hilarious Power Line Blog, here.
When Walz’s sister saw the photo, she said she didn’t recognize a single person. It turns out that the Walz Family Trumpers are the children, and the children’s children, of Walz’s paternal grandfather’s brother. So think of your dad’s dad’s brother. It’s his kids, and the kids of those kids, who are “The Walz’s for Trump” (as their tees say). I don’t doubt that Walz’s sister didn’t recognize them. I’m pretty sure I’ve never met the analogous Jorgensons.
You might as well just say that there are some old white people in Nebraska who are going to vote for Trump.
Apparently Walz has a brother who also likes Trump. Oh the stories he could tell, he says, about his brother. But he isn’t telling them. Maybe Tim smoked a cigarette after football practice or something.
It’s been pointed out that some of the Trumps have quite a dim view of Donald—and they actually know him. More weighty, perhaps, is the fact that his chief of staff, his defense secretary, his national security advisor, and his vice president have all pointedly declined to endorse him. I guess voters will just have to weigh these things—what the Nebraska Walzes don’t like about Tim Walz, what top members of the Trump administration don’t like about Trump. Easy to see why everyone thinks it’s going to be close!