The dogs and cats of Springfield, Ohio, are getting a lot of attention, but if I had to pick a favorite moment, I think it would be Trump’s crash landing on the topic of Obamacare. He’d been ranting about it being a disaster when the moderator interrupted, “Do you have a plan to replace it, yes or no?”
Trump: “I have the concepts of a plan.”
I always thought it odd that he could in 2016 run on repealing Obamacare and replacing it only with “something better.” This was a matter of vital importance to millions of Americans with insurance through Obamacare, but never a hint about what “something better” might entail. Then he won, was president for four years, and kept perfectly mum about the replacement component of what came to be called “repeal and replace.”
But no more! Eight years into it and he has “the concepts of a plan.”
I suppose it’s of a piece with his answer to the (entirely predictable) question about whether he regretted any of his actions or inactions on J6. He said the bad stuff was all Nancy Pelosi’s fault—“they” asked him to give a speech, he gave a speech, that was his only connection to the events of the day. After 3.5 years all he’s managed to work up is “Pelosi’s fault!” And it’s taken a full eight years to develop the as yet undivulged “concepts of a plan.”
Probably he has no choice but to talk about Hannibal Lecter and the pet-eating immigrants of Springfield, Ohio. He’s got nothing else. Well, insults. “Kamala Harris is dumb as a rock,” he says. The intellectual abilities of others is one of his regular themes—all the talk about IQ, for instance, as in, “So-and-so is an extremely low IQ individual.” He’s barely smart enough to feel insecure. Pathetic!